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web 2 0 chapter 3

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 15 years, 6 months ago

Rex Byron A. Roxas

Book: Web 2.0

Quote: “web as a platform”

Chapter 3

I expect to learn what a blog lines is really is. Is it the same blog that I know that we blog or to comment on others comment? Or is it the same on what we are commenting on the net on the blog area. I expect to learn what are the bloglines that Erick eagleman is talking about.

If you ask a number of people to name a website or name the websites that has a blog on it, you’ll quickly see that bloglines is near on the top of their lists. And when we talk about the web 2.0, you will again see blog lines appear on people’s lists.

Bloglines is created by or started by a tool created by mark Fletcher in 2003. It quickly grew from there. Today the site build itself as a free online service for new feeds, blogs, and rich in content. It helps you to search, subscribe, and share these services without you to understand and relying on the technology today.

When we talk about the web 2.0, according to the author of this chapter Erick defined the web 2.0, he looked at the documents to center the conversations. Those are the cluetrain manifesto and the o’reilly web 2.0 documents. So I can say the web 2.0 is very similar to the book of the clue train manifesto because conversation is still present in this book or in this topic.

According to Erick the web 2.0 is really about the end users. For ercik “the applicaton as a platform” where he talks about the web as a platform but really it is trying to make u the application as a  platform. The app is an ecosystem of users and consumers of the application and the data that is being created by the users. The data can be user generated or application generated. It is really about the users, according to Erick.

Bloglines may not be the app as a platform yet, but it is definitely “web as a platform”. Bloglines is all about consuming data, all about consuming RSS feeds. There few developers that created a bloglines. one thing that is great about the bloglines is that people have created different JavaScript to enhance their bloglines. They created different skins so that bloglines will look like mac OS view.

People need to be constantly talking to their customer base, constantly innovating and coming up with great ideas. They need to continue of making the customer satisfy with their needs and wants. And the people should continue to make new things about their product so that the user can view always and support what the web 2.0 is trying to say.

Web 2.0 brought the learning curve down to a really low level so you didn’t need to be a computer engineer to get your message out of the web. Anybody can customize their web at their own learning experience according to the writer of this book. According to the author of the book the web 2.0 is a kind of resurgence after the dotcom bust. The web 2.0 is limited and sometimes they say it is so boring to use this kind of application. Some say it is very hard to understand. The common thing of this web 2.0 is they really lower the hurdle for the user. It means that they make the user use the web easy so that they can easily jump through on what they are jumping for or simply they learn easily.

In the old times the internet cannot be controlled by the users itself whereas the past is also not in control. People are focusing on social graph. People are socializing with other people so they handle the web with their own capabilities.

According to the author of this book or this chapter is that, what they like about he web 2.0 is that they have full of surprises and a lot of new things to learn. But although it is contradictory 95 percent of the web is not monetizable, meaning that other websites does not earn its profit or does not have the intention of earning the profit.

I learned that bloglines is one of the app that I am using. I realize or I am not aware that I myself is using a bloglines that creates and design my own personal websites. Erick agrees on the success of the web 2.0. and I learned that in the past people do not have the control of the web but now they are controlling their own websites. In this situation they learn by themselves.


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