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web 2 0 chapter 2

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 15 years, 11 months ago

Rex Byron A. Roxas

Book: Web 2.0

Quote: “Web 2.0 brought the learning curve down to really low level so you didn’t need to be a computer engineer to be able to run your own blog site.”

Chapter 2

I expect to learn what will Alan Meckler can say about the web 2.0. in what the previous chapter is talking about the web 2.0 is simply connecting or making a connection with people  to people with the help of the market or the vertical market solution. People will fully understand what is web 2.0 and how far are we left behind because of this issues and events.

According to alan meckler the internet is not just the net, there is a web and there is an internet. And according to him there is one and only interent.com and alan meckler and jupitermedia oversee it. Internet.com is a site name that is very easy to remember in obvious reasons; however, ir is just one of the many websites and company’s products that make up jupitermedia. The book is trying to tell us that jupitermedia is one or it contains many websites that contains company products that cells it trough the online system.

Jupitermedia bills itself as the leading provider of images and information for creative, business, and information – technology professionals. The jupiotermedia is divided into two primary divisions. Which is they provide photos and other graphic images electronically. The second thing is they provide information on IT professionals and also developers so that they can get other experiences from each other and they will learn from each other.

According to alan what is really important for the web 2.0 is the having a website that has a feature of a beauty of a vertical market solution. It would really help the people to have a website with that kind of feature on it.

Alan also made the first acquisition of a website, thelist.com. some servers are so expensive, in this kind of situation alan made a website where it is cheap to have a transaction with. And alan to agreed that the model that we are talking about, it was basically built on the concept that we would be a master website for all types of organization because it was difficult to build a website before.

On the other hand alan also does not agree with the web 2.0 because other may or may not be profitable with the business that they are into. Some of the company that was almost file to bankruptcy, so they had a chance and have the opportunity to buy the domain name internet.com. so I can say that this man does not agree with the web 2.0 properties will not make it in the industry. according to the book, 99% chance of all the properties of web 2.0 will not make it in the industry.

In the world today, according to alan the web 2.0 is just a bonus on what we had today or what was already there in the year 1998 and 1999. It is just an extension of what was already there. When we talk about the internet, 20 to 30 years from now it will always revolutionize in terms of what is going to happen

I have learned from alan that sometimes we shouldn’t rely on what the web 2.0 is trying to say. It is just an incentive or addition on what we have had in the year 1998 and 1999. We should learn what is the trend today and how can we participate in the world of ours today.


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