Rex Byron A. Roxas
Slide 78: You want us to pay? We want you to pay attention.
Some of the advertisement on television does not earn much because some of them have low quality in showing its advertisement. People will always look for something good when it comes with the products that the company is promoting for the customers and also to the consumers. Some of the advertisement can also be seen in the internet. If people wants to pay for the advertisement that can be seen in the internet or some of the blogs. Some of the company also pays the blogger if their name is included in the blog itself. People will just view if the advertisement is interesting. We can see some of the sites commenting about the products and services that the company is offering because the internet is a networked community that all of the people are talking in the market itself. People will always know about the company. Company and business owners should catch the attention of the consumers because if they do not, customers and consumers will pay attention and pay for another company that is better from the previous company that they observed. I have learned that some of the people that recognizes only at the company that is good with the products and services that they offer. I realize that some of the comments and suggestions are very important and some of the comments can earn. Advertisement is very important when it comes to company recognition for the customers and also the consumers. Retailing is one of the trends today when it comes with business styles that people should grab the opportunity.
Slide 79: We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party.
Some of the people in the market want to tell to all of the people who are joining the market to participate in all of the conversation that are in, depending on the topic. People will always talk about something that they want to talk about. They want to make sure that they are talking about involves strategy for the company to be implemented. People will always wonder if the company is doing good or if the company is doing bad. People will always know if the company gives them importance. And also people will always want to know if the company gives them the freedom to talk about themselves. All of the people that its in the market want to tell all of the people to join the party and participate to the conversation that is going on in the industry. Blogging is one type of conversation that people are into they will always comment on something and if they comment on something people will grab the opportunity to earn money from it. Because blogging is a very powerful tool so that the one that they are talking about, will surely react. And some of the blogging company will pay the bloggers. People will always know that they blog because they have a comment and these comments will surely change the company’s performance. I have learned that all of the people need to participate in all aspects of conversation because a group of voice will surely help the company’s performance and the company will surely react on the thing that the market is talking about.
Slide 80: Don't worry, you can still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing on your mind.
Some of the things that the purpose of the users is only earning money and not the purpose of putting sense things on the site that they are blogging. I have something in mind that blogging also earns money and the money that they are earning, some of it came from the one that they blog for because commenting something in the internet or posting something in the internet makes money. For instance, the owner of the website pays the person because the person uses the name of the site is connected with the person who owns the web site. The owner of the website acknowledges the person because it helped them to promote its website. Because of this earning money would be very easy for the owner of the company. I have learned that if the users view something in the company’s website, the company will earn one peso, just for viewing the company’s website. In this article earning money through blogging is something is all about in this topic. Money matters is the purpose of some of the people who are in the blogging industry. I wish that people will just blog just for the sake of participating on what is the topic is all about not just the purpose of earning money. People should do the same like some good owners of the website because they view for the purpose of entertaining the public viewers. Blogging or commenting something on the net is something that can be earned for, and something that can be learned by the users of the net.
Slide 81: Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional and boring? What else can we talk about?
Some of the things that can be talked about in the internet is of course, the most interresting that can be talked about is money. What is the purpose of having something to talk about If the purpose will only lead to money matters. Like what we have talked about in class it is easy to earn money in the internet itself. If a users will view an advertisement some of it is equivalent to 1 peso. So there are milion of users who will view it and possibly it will earn that much. Things that can be talked about in the market has his and her own purpose either buying something on the net or earning something from the net. Some people consider money is a boring thing but I do not agree with this statement because money talks a lot and people will always talk about money whatever happens. Money moves a thing on its place, because without money, a thing will not move because the absence of money itself. I realize that money is sometimes boring but what else can people talk about rather than money because money can move things around and can make people’s life as pleasure as possible. I have learn that people talk about things that can make their lives worth while, because of money people will make a statement out of it.
I realize that some things can make a money consider as the most important element of their lives. Money talks everything.
Slide 82: Your product broke. Why? We'd like to ask the guy who made it. Your corporate strategy makes no sense. We'd like to have a chat with your CEO. What do you mean she's not in?
In the mall you will see different kinds of produvt that you can choose from. And there is a lots of variety of items to choose from. What else can we see in the mall? Some of the mall has its own amusement centers, barbers, chapels, and many many more. Malls today have different establishment inside it. Here in the Philippines, malls consider as their second home. Because without the malls, maybe the mall the communit will not be a live living society but a boring society. For intance you bought something in the mall, a product for example. Then you product will accidentally broken. The mall is only an establishment that can sell different kinds of product and has a different company owned brand. The consumer cannot directly talk to the company. But they will talk to the mall itself or the store were the product was bought inside the mall. There is other way that the suctomer can talk to the company that own’s the product. Vewing the website and comenting on the website of the product itself. this is one kind of way that the company can talk to, because posting you comments and suggestions can make a statement because people in the world could see what you are posting on the internet. People will read if the company has a good quality or not. People will see some of the bad news or the good news that is being posted. I learned that this stament is trying to say that comments can be posted on the website and people found a way to talk at the companym, it is the internet or the networked conversation.
Slide 83: We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal.
Some of the products that can be bought in the market is defecetive or some of it has problems on it. Sometimes products are not that good. Some of the companies are not that sensitive enough if the product has problems. Situations like this will need to make some actions on it. People will react if the product has low quality or has a problem. Product differenciates other product trough comments because if people will not read any comments inside the internet browsers. Compant owners will not react on it. Posting in the interent is very powerful because a lot of people will read about it. Someof the people will participate what is happening in the market. Because market are conversation and the market will lokk for a thing toi talk about because it is a powerful tool. Blogging is a powerful tool. I realize that someof the things that are bloged serve as an important thing because without this tool people will not react on it. Some of the things that are talked about is surely interesting when it comes in the the net. Because the net intself serve as the widest coverage of connecting all of the people that are involved. The internet serve as a tool that guides us in the market because conversation will always be present in the everyday world. The internet will serve as a tool that enables all users to particiapate and this is one of the purpose why is the cluetrain manefesto was made, to create impact on people who wants to participate in the conversation in the marketplace.
Slide 84: We know some people from your company. They're pretty cool online. Do you have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play?
Some of the people that are inside the company itself serve as the power to lead the people to get in the conversation. Some of the people that we know inside the company can conversate with us. Some of them will ask us if he or she wants to grab a coffee to conversate with them some of them will surely wonder why these things is happening in the corporate world because some of the company is aware that some of the people is talking about on something different when it comes to the business world. People will always wonder wy the company does this and that. People sometimes be agree of the person inside the company because the person is not accomodating the customer. So the customer will go to the site and post whatever they want to say about the company. This way the person will be fully aware on what is happening around the market because of this conversation because conversation is a very powerful thing to talk about and people inside the company will notice that changes will happen if they ignore the people who are outside of the company and waiting something to happen because the company itself is a conversation. I have learned that it is imporatant for the people inside the company to communicate woth all the people that wants to communicate with them because if they ignored it, some of the customers wll transfer to other company that the company will assidt them. Customers will be lost if customer will ignore it.
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