
Slide 55

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years, 2 months ago

Slide 55:  As policy, these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken. Command and control are met with hostility by intranet worked knowledge workers and generate distrust in internetworked markets.

According on what I read on the statement that is stated above, some of the ideas are not a good idea for the company. It creates the workers think of thinking some of the unfriendliness way that affects the trust in them. The superiors of the company need to work on the trust that they deserve from the workers. They need to work on the trust that they need in order for them to be followed by the workers and their subordinates. Bad ideas for the company can also affects the trust of the market. because again, markets are conversations. The market is can easily talk about what is going on in the different company that is their respective industry. I have learned that it is also important for the company to construct good or positive ideas that will lead them in achieving the goals of the company. There are instances that some of the company generates bad ideas this creates a negative impact when we talk about the market. conversation sometimes lead the market in a bad image. Sometimes communication is not that good because they use it in a poisonous notion that will create bad image for the company. The company needs to be creative with their ideas. For me a good thing to do will always lead to better things. in connection with the company, it will always lead to a success. people will support this kind of ideas because people will like what is the intension of the said market.


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