
Slide 53

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years ago

Slide 53: There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with the market.

 According to the statement that is stated above, I have leaned some of the information about, how important communication is in the market, I leaned that communication is important on the inside of the company and especially in the market. It is very important to team up all of the employees that is in the market because if they will not team up the goals of the company will not be met. It is also very important for them to communicate on what should they do in order for the company to progress. They need to carefully analyze what are the strategies that they need to do in order for them to gain competitive advantage over the other company. Like in the other statements, everything involves communication. Communication will lead to an order and stable above average return. When we talk about the market the market is always talking about what the company or how the company is doing. The market will see to it that the market that they will support will earn above average return because they will talk and talk everything how the company is doing. The market will serve as an advertisement for all of the people that needs to know about the company. Markets are conversation, everything is linked to one another, from manufacturer to buyer and seller. Please be informed that people loves to talk about something especially if a thing is popular. When a company is popular, people will talk about and people will support with this.


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