
Slide 51

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years, 2 months ago

Slide 51: Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia.

 The first thing that comes up in my mind is that when a superior practices his or her power in commanding and controlling over his subordinates, he or she has the power to do that, he or she sometimes work with the power that he or she has. According to the statement, whe a superior abuses its power over his or her subordinates it creates an unhealthy working environment so this is one of the disadvantage that the company will have if this situation will occur in an organization. In my opinion, it is important for the company or in an organization to have a good and healthy working environment in order for the company and the organization will have a happy working employee. They use its power around the company in this situation, some of the employee will not have a good working attitude, they will not work harder for the company. In lay man’s term the company will have a bad culture if some of the superior practices its bad power with bad attitude. Some of the situation that I observed when an employee will have a good position to the company, they sometimes not work at all and will not even work because they are not anymore motivated to work it is because of the abusive power of the employers or the superiors. I have leaned from this statement that anxiety will occur to the employee if the employer or the superiors will practice bad management styles.


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