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Slide 3: Conversion among human

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years ago

Rex Byron A. Roxas

Conversion among human being sound Human. They are conducted in a human voice.

In my analysis with the statement that it stated above, It is better to have a person to person conversation within the market. Misunderstanding with the customers within the market will have negative effects from it. For instance a buyer will buy a product from the market and the seller has an disorganize files, the buyer is not accurate in dealing with the customers. For example in the retail business it needs to have a one on one transaction, but the retailer is not focused on the customer that wants to have a transaction with him or her, it will now have a problem within the transaction.

For me it is very important focusing on a one on one conversation with the customer and the buyer in the retail business or in the market. Conversation with them creates trust within them and trust is very important in the world of retail businesses. Some of the businesses have a client and the market personel that is the one who will talk to, on order to have a transaction with, or we can call it a seller. It is important to earn their trust from them because if the customer or the marketer’s client will trust the market, the customer or the client will come back to their market easily because they already trust them. It is conducted in a human voice. This statement that is stated above determines the volume or tone of voice that you will use in a conversation in the market. For me it will see how the customer will react if the tone of voice of the seller is bad or good. If the tone of the seller is bad the customer will react in a way that the customer will not anymore have a transaction in the market. When the tone of voice is good the customer will appreciate it, that the customer will know that it is good to have a transaction with.

I learn from this slide that it is important to check your conversation within the market because it is good to look at the retail or in a business market that the people will talk like people like the quote that is written above.


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