
Slide 21

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years, 3 months ago

Rex Byron A. Roxas

“Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor”

The companies today need to be serious on what they are doing because the companies today are having a hard time in working out what is really the purpose of putting up the business of a company. They need some times not to get serious because it will cause them the stress, it is not even good for them.  The company need to motivate their employee to their work. The company needs to have an alternative activities not purely work at all because some employees will not be happy on what they are doing. Some of them will leave because they are not happy anymore with their job. Some of the company provides a break from work so that they will have the relaxation that they want. So that when they get back t work they will not anymore complain but they will work hard for their job. The company owners should be sensitive in the working condition of the employees they need to work things out in order for them to work in a proper order. The employees need to communicate so that they will not anymore complain. They need to talk about what is happening within the organization so that problems will not be encountering.

I learned from the article that the company needs to have a sense of humor in the industry so that order will be implement inside the organization and I have learned that employees should sometimes take a break from their work because stress will be relieved.


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