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Slide 10: As a result market are getting smarter

Page history last edited by Rex Byron A. Roxas 16 years ago

Rex Byron A. Roxas

“As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market change people fundamentally”

With the help of the internet markets are linked together in order for them to make their lives easier.  For me the market are now aware of the use of the internet they are more informed because the internet is always updated when it is always updated by the owner of the website. They use it so that they are always informed on what is happening around us. The market is getting smarter because almost all the information is in the networked market because it is linked together so that they can blog their opinions freely. In my point of view, with the help of the networked market, it has the high chance of possibility that they will learn from the experiences or the performance of the market today or I can say that it is a bog help because we would know what is going to happen around the retail business or the market. The market is also becoming organized because all of the information that they need in a conversation is posted and it can be viewed easily. A conversation in a networked market is sometimes not organized because some of the information had no sense at all. In a market it is now an organized conversation because of the simplicity of communicating with each other. Because of this transaction is now easy because of the networked market. It changes people and it made them organized people as well.

Changes are happening around us because people adapt change from the market. In a external environment of the retail businesses there is so many changes that is happening, from the social segment, political, technological, demographic and even global people need to change in order for them to get along with the market. I can say in the market people changes fundamentally.


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