Rex Byron A. Roxas
Quote: Tell ‘Em What You Told ‘Em
I expect to learn what is this chapter all about. It is not clear to me what Ez Answers is? And I want to learn what is the importance of this chapter to the organization.
Chapter 6
In this chapter is like connected to the other chapter of the book. There is a saying in the book that “tell them what you told them”, I can understand from this statement that employees needs to learn from each other they should learn new ideas from each other. The learning part of this chapter is learning from other people’s experience because experience is the best teacher. For example in order for the physical therapist to practice his or her profession they should experience how to do their work properly. Going back to the employees, some of them learn how to work with the experience of other employees.
Well if we look at the technology now, it’s progressing day by day and people in the business sector are “adapting” to it and that progress is the internet. The internet is the greatest “invention” or gift to us and to the people of the world. It’s not just a place of overloaded information but a place to connect people. For example to stay in touch with family members, do a business video conference with a client who is at the other side of the continent. The internet also teaches us to have a communication without limitation. We can communicate around the world. It is an open communication. Internet not just connects people and It also connects businesses or business transactions to make them competitive advantage.
The internet technology has been added recently, I remember that the internet became popular or the boom of the internet was roughly around 1990’s and its started from their and here we are now. Some people uses the internet for social purposes. The websites for these are facebooks, friendster and multilply it is a individual profile website so that people will know you.
Some of the companies said opinions about the book that the cluetrain book is interested to read to. This book gives them the key to start with. It is a guidelines for there success. it is a good practice for there company. This is a statement that will show you the secret of how to achieve a success of a organization according to the cluetrain manifesto. It is said it is an exiting way to start of a web involving to the business world.
The Cluetrain Hit-One-Outta-the-Park Twelve-Step
Program for Internet Business Success
1. Relax
2. Have a sense of humor
3. Find your voice and use it
4. Tell the truth
5. Don’t panic
6. Enjoy yourself
7. Be brave
8. Be curious
9. Play more
10. Dream always
11. Listen up
12. Rap on
In this statement this is the secret in entering the internet business world it also involve creating an e-commerce website like we have learn in class, it would take ten minutes to make a e-commerce website. This twelve steps will help the company to have a good market strategy.
I learned from this chapter that in order to be competitive in the internet business world we should follow the book’s advice to follow thehit one outa the park twelve steps strategy so that we will gain a good market strategy against other companies.
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