Rex Byron A. Roxas
Book: “Web 2.0”
Quote: “Enterprises have some complex work flows, and I don’t think online applications…are ready to really fit into the complex workflows in enterprises yet. They’ll get there someday, though”
Chapter 6
I expect to learn what Raju Vegesna will have to say about the web 2.0. will he has the same definition like the other author does? I also expect to learn what Zoho is all about and what Zoho is connected with the web 2.0.
Zoho is One noteworthy site that had the tenacity to compete with software giants Google Apps and Microsoft Office live and made a name for itself.
It is an office productivity suite from adventnet that provides a number of tools like an online word processing,online spreadsheet, an online presentations tool, an online conferencing tool,an online notebook for taking notes, a scheduling and planning tool, a project management software tool, and a mail program that allows for a mail account, other tools as well like Customer Relationship Management tools, a database application, wiki tools and chat. Utilities include a web site monitoring tool, a viewer, online polls and more, while others are swiftly moving forward like google and microsoft it is easy to see that Zoho has already made it's mark and it's all because of a number of people contributing to the products and making it runs smoothly like Raju Vegesnam a spokesperson on the site who has been working with them and Adventnet for the last seven year, an evangelist for Zoho currently, and prior to that he started his own start-up back in india, technically Zoho is only the second company that he has worked with and he describes Zoho as being not a company but a division although many people think that Zoho is a separate company when it is in fact a brand, and not a division within Adventnet, a private company that was founded in 1996 and has been profitable from the first year and over the last 1 years, Adventnet has had more than 20,000 customers, not considering Zoho and has been very profitable without raising any venture money, it is a private company and the headquarters are located in Pleasanton, California while all of our development is in India, We have offices worldwide in London; Beijing and Tokyo.
Adventnet focuses on software in general while Zoho is the only division that is focused on online software, all of the other divisions of Aventnet sell software.
Word processors today can edit the same page or the same document at the same time. gradually some changes are bound to be realized like chatting real-time, multitasking, real time collaboration and communication is wat is enabling the web-based word processors and in fact, some of the wikis are supporting this. he personally thinks that the gap between the word processor and wiki is coming down. Eventually you may not see a specific wiki out there, but they are still eager on how it plays out.
I learned that this chapter has the same thing what is being talked about in the other chapter because it is always involve of the networked conversation between them. People will always have the basis of communicating with each other. Word Processors is most useful thing for him because wikis are the most advantage for him.
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