Rex Byron A. Roxas
Book: “Web 2.0”
Quote: “Anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday.”
Chapter 19
I expect to learn who is Tim Bray and also what are some of his contribution about the definition of the web 2.0. What are some of the contribution of his company for the web 2.0? Do you think will give the same definition of the web 2.0? What are some of his thoughts about the networked market. I also expect to learn what are the Sun Microsystems is all about and what is the connection of this company to the web 2.0.
Most people have heard about the java programming language and likely the company behind the programming language, Sun Microsystems Inc. Using the slogan “ The Network is the Computer,” Sun is actually involved in hardware, operating system, programming languages and more. When it comes to web technologies, at sun, the Java Language and other initiatives that have occurred that what is involved what is happening in the web. There is work in hardware and operating systems has also given them perspectives that are worth nothing in regard to the web as well.
When it comes to web technologies, java language and other initiatives it is all involved on what is happening to the web. The work of their hardware and other operating system give them the initiatives in working out what is really in the web. And according to Tim, the web 2.0 is all about the flow of the system. The flow initiates what is happening on the world of the web 2.0.
Bob is the CTO and VP of the Sun Microsystems. Bob is like Tim Bray who also contributed for the success of the Sun Microsystems. Some of the work that is done on the company is the things that will layer on top of operating systems. Robert Brewin is responsible of this said activity for the Sun Microsystems. He is a distinguish engineer and the Chief technology officer for software of sun Microsystems. And they also have another CTO for the sun Microsystems, Tim Marsland, he also focuses on the operating level. But to some up all of this participant Tim Bray is responsible for the definition of the web 2.0. According to them, all the participants on the web have an equal say in how the web and the information on the web resolves. And according to them the definition of the web 2.0 comes from the people who contributed on the part of it. And they said the web 2.0 comes from the hot features from the past web 1.0, the web itself today, Is just the definition of the web 2.0 today, it just some added features on it. So basically web 2.0 is the contribution of information from among people who also use it. And according to bob, he has a different definition on what the web 2.0 is for him. According to him, they all agree that there are notions that the information flow in one way, it is not unidirectional, so all the people and all the participants on the web has an equal say in how the web and the information on the web resolves. Bob said that web 2.0 is not a technology, how technology manifests fundamentally is an aspect of what web 2.0 is. Tim said there are some of the good technologies that he believes are going to improve user experiences. There are some of the web 2.0 sites that are very web 1.0 in their technology. The technology is the facilitator, and it reduces friction, but it is not a dispenser of things. The dispenser of things is the new information flows and the culture of contribution.
According to tim, everybody can participate. Everybody can contribute one what is the web 2.0 is for the said system. If an individual wants to build a website, you don’t have to study the java language for years you just need to learn what is in the web 2.0 and according to bob, you don’t need to be a founder you just need to be a member of it.
One thing that people would misunderstand what is the web 2.0 is for them is the hype of it. If you go around the bay and not just silicon valley, it is getting a little bit complicated and a wider information just this days. One thing that is good about this thing of the web 2.0 is that, it is much cheaper than the web 1.0. Hangover will be less painful once we wake up. There is no doubt that people are painting the web 2.0 on anything they are trying to sell this days.
Some of the benefits of the sun Microsystems that are seen in the web 2.0 is that every people are connected with this kind of technologies. The network is the computer, and the person who uses the computers is us people. One of the thing that would the web 2.0 like to address to us is communicating to the market. Communication in the market is important. Another thing that is good for the web 2.0 is the thing that if we invest something it is fast to receive the investments that we invested. It is also fast in earning what we invested.
I have learned that the web 2.0 for them is networking among people who used the computer. The web 2.0 for them is the connection of people who used it. Some of the information that are being used or being read is contributed among the people who used it.
Rex Byron A. Roxas
Book: “Web 2.0
Quote: “[Web 2.0] is all about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure that we built with “Web 1.0” to enable extremely rich experiences now, that we couldn’t do back in the day.”
Chapter 20
I expect to learn who is Michele Turner. What he has to do about the changes of the web 2.0? I expect to learn what are his contribution in the definition of the web 2.0. I also expect to learn what is the Adobe systems will have to do about the web 2.0. Where is the web 2.0 in the Adobe systems? How is it related to the web 2.0.
If you use the Web, chances are you are familiar with Adobe Flash. If youare familiar with Flash, then you are familiar with at least one of Adobe’sproducts. In addition to Flash there is a good chance you’ve also heard of PDFfiles and it is statistically likely that you’ve seen or installed the Adobe Readerthat reads documents in the PDF format.
Adobe is more than just the flash and reader. Some of the products that they have are ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Flex, In Design, Photoshop, premier and many many more. The products cover different categories, including design, publishing developer tools, digital imaging, elearning, web design, video and audio. Few companies can boost a 95 percent presentation within a market. Adobe however can carry with their flash player. Few companies can only target both designers and developers. But like what is written in this chapter adobe is one of the succeeding application that can be found on the web 2.0 itself. Adobe is succeeding as well as the web 2.0 gives then the advantage spade that they want to achieve.
Michele turner is an executive of the adobe. She brings a vast amount of experience as well. She also works at net flex and she was the vice president of product marketing and design. She also worked at AOL and she also was the vice president of marketing. At Exite@home she is also the senior vice president as well as the general manager for development. Her credentials will go on to include the companies such as silicon Graphics, sun Microsystems, and Stanford telecommunications. In the experiences of this said company we know for sure that she has insights of what is the web 2.0 for her. And what the company contributed on the presence of the web 2.0. Her work for the company is that she made a couple of startups for the web 2.0 before she was hired in the Adobe systems. She also done the big internet companies, the little internet companies, and kind to follow the whole thing from the web 1.0 to the web 2.0.
According to this article or to this chapter the web 2.0 for her is the user generated content, it gives the users a lot of controls, opening up some API’s, opening up some feeds and being able to create lots of different content type together to create new experiences. Some of the major things that define web 2.0 is this kind of activities that are being created with adobe. Technically the web 2.0 is the changes to the user interfaces.
AJAX is one of the technologies that fits into the whole user experience part of web 2.0. a couple of years ago you can look at a site, and tell what the web 2.0 is all about. Flex is one of the programming language that is being talked about. And they have a common similarity on how it contributed in the existence of the web 2.0. Flex is a programming language with an “Integrated Development Environment” , in compiles the code of the flash player and the adobe player. And according to her if you are a programmer, and you are familiar with java, then flex is easily to get started with. Autoscript, the scripting language is the java script. Their library is set around the mind set of creating videos. Flex is a software developer in short. It is easy to get up in running with. Flex is one of the best environments in running a programming language.
One of the misunderstanding things that are happening to the web 2.0 is they have a fad that we are going through.
One of the things created of the web 2.0 is the Ruby on rails application. It made easy for anyone to get a web 2.0 application up and running quickly. So we have this proliferation of application that have no business model. The trends in the consumer space are toward much cleaner, effective patterns and user designs that are coming out of web 2.0.
I have learned that some of the things that are discussed in this chapter is all about he user generated application that creates the web 2.0. She also has the same definition of what the web 2.0 is really about for the people who also uses it. Being connected with all the application creates the user interfaces and it is generated to the web 2.0 itself.
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